20 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery

Journaling can resolve multiple issues festering inside your mind, it can be a way to climb out of a creative rut, and it can also be a way to truly get to know yourself. Journaling without a true purpose in mind can seem insignificant, but when you take those twenty minutes you spending journaling to practice self-discovery, it can be highly beneficial to moving you in the right direction. Below is a list I’ve compiled of 20 journaling prompts I’ve either written myself or found on the internet that I thought you’d find helpful –

  1. What do you wish would happen today?

  2. What do I need more of in my life?

  3. How do you regain your equilibrium when you’re feeling overwhelmed and unbalanced?

  4. When do you feel you are most inspired?

  5. What do you need less of in your life?

  6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and what’s stopping you from doing it today?

  7. If you had the opportunity to be fully financially stable without limitations, what would your life be like?

  8. Who are you at your best? 

  9. Who are you at your worst?

  10. What would define a “fulfilled” life for you?

  11. When was the last time you felt lonely?

  12. When was the last time you felt truly blissful? Describe it.

  13. How do you serve people? What do you do selflessly for others?

  14. What mark do you hope to leave on Earth when you pass away?

  15. What does self-care mean to you?

  16. What is your personal legend? What do you think your main purpose in life is?

  17. What actions can you take today to simplify your life?

  18. How do you spend your Sundays?

  19. What does true success look like to you?

  20. Am I doing all in my ability to achieve my goals?


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